August 2021

Jewish Food

Jewish Food traditions from  Spain and Portugal: Jewish Sephardi people like to eat a “Mediterranean” diet that includes: salads, stuffed vegetables olive oil, lentils, chickpeas, fresh and dried fruits, mint, parsley, and nuts. Chicken, Lamb...

Latin American Food Products

Latin American Indigenous ingredients: Achiote , Amaranth, Avocado, Beans, Blueberries, Chia, Cacao, Cactus, Cassava, Corn, lúcuma, Maracuya, Peanut, Peppers, Pineapple, Potato, Prickly Pear, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Squash, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Turkey, Vanilla There are many more regional...

Jewish and Latin American Music

The Jewish musical traditions of the Hebrew psalms of David became part of the Western Christian Gospel music known as Gregorian Chants. Therefore, it is most appropriate to explore it when we are learning about...