
Cooking Tips for October 2023.

Simple ingredients and special techniques helped our ancestors create delicious and nutritious meals that are also inexpensive. Growing up we had the heaviest meal at 2 pm and supper was the light meal around 7...

Day of the Death Food and Activities 2023.

In 2003, The UNESCO proclaimed “The Indigenous Festivity of Mexico dedicated to the dead as part of the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Foods that are usually part of the Day...

Halloween and It’s Pagan Food 2023.

Halloween – Samhain – Celtic Food The Celts, sacrificed some of the harvest by giving it away as a “good deed”, and left an empty chair at the table for the “ancestor” to come and...

March Tips and Reflections.

In February we talked about using Chinese Cooking techniques and bringing a yin yan to our leftovers. Well, I’ve been taking my own advice and I have been exploring the Four Flavors of the Chinese...