
March Tips and Reflections.

In February we talked about using Chinese Cooking techniques and bringing a yin yan to our leftovers. Well, I’ve been taking my own advice and I have been exploring the Four Flavors of the Chinese...

February Tips and Reflections

Today, when we talked about regional cuisines, we are talking about thousand year old techniques and 500 year old ingredients that go back to the “Colombian Exchange” in the 1500s. That exchange made it possible...

Irish Foods on St. Patrick’s Day Mar. 17, 2023.

The Great Famine in Ireland in the mid-19th century was caused by late potato blight. The Irish farmers depended only in one crop, potatoes, and when theĀ  potatoes got infected, there were no other crops...

January Reflections & Cooking Tips for 2023.

One important thing about “Customs and Traditions” is that they are constant, they repeat every year and become part of our life, part of what defines our beliefs, our tastes, and our sense of what...